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Tanner LLC launches innovative cloud finops

Tanner LLC Launches Innovative Cloud FinOps Practice in Collaboration with Moneta

Tanner LLC provides Cloud Cost Optimization services (Cloud FinOps) designed to help technology, finance, and business teams better manage organizational costs related to their ever-growing cloud...

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Squire Technology, LLC Announces Launch of Cloud FinOps Technology and Service Offering Through Strategic Collaboration with Moneta

Squire Technology, LLC Announces Launch of Cloud FinOps Technology and Service Offering Through Strategic Collaboration with Moneta

SALT LAKE CITY—November 20, 2023—Squire Technology, LLC (Squire Tech), a leading provider of software products and related services and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Squire & Company, PC (Squire),...

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How to you create Cloud cost awareness?

How do you create a culture of Cloud cost awareness and accountability within your organization?

Businesses find it more difficult to stand out in today’s competitive marketplace. One major factor we commonly hear that can make or break a company’s success is its culture. Interestingly, culture...

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Why CPA firms should launch a Cloud offering

Why CPA Firms should launch a high-margin Cloud FinOps Offering

Businesses are increasingly expecting CPA firms to provide more than traditional tax and audit compliance services. They are looking for CPA firms who can provide strategic advice and help them grow...

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Why CPAs are the perfect fit

Why CPAs are the perfect fit for solving the Cloud spend problem.

When it comes to understanding and solving financial challenges of a business, there is one trusted profession we have come to rely on… CPAs. Cloud users are looking for someone to solve their Cloud...

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What is Cloud FinOps?

What is Cloud FinOps and Why Should CPAs Care?

Cloud technologies have become the centerpiece of our evolution by transforming how we work, communicate, and live our lives. It has made it possible to be more connected, innovative, and productive...

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