Businesses find it more difficult to stand out in today’s competitive marketplace. One major factor we commonly hear that can make or break a company’s success is its culture. Interestingly, culture also applies when it comes to ensuring your cloud spend is properly understood and fully optimized. Today, we will provide you with some useful tips that can help create a culture focused on helping individuals be more aware and accountable with your organization’s precious treasure!
1. Leadership
You know the drill. If you want to gain real momentum with anything in the corporate world, leadership must be onboard. The Cloud cost journey is no different and can be accomplished by showing leadership what is to be gained with their support. For example, an estimate of expected cost savings, benefits of proper allocation of Cloud costs to products and initiatives, and how this effort will drive higher ROI from the organization’s Cloud investments.
2. Visibility
One can only improve something one is aware of. Provide proper tooling and set tagging guidelines allowing individuals to see how their actions impact the organizations Cloud spend. Push Cloud spend visibility to the edge of the organization which will allow accountability to occur at an individual level.
3. Clear Policies & Guidelines
Few find it satisfying to work in environments lacking structure and direction. Provide the team with policies and procedures to manage Cloud costs. This includes roles and responsibilities, proper creation and adherence to budgets, cost reporting and monitoring, and optimization expectations.
4. Authority & Accountability
Authority should align with Accountability. Once individuals have visibility into Cloud spend, provide them with the authority to make decisions that optimize costs. With clear policies & guidelines in place, individuals should be held accountable for meeting the established expectations.
Implement these tips for a more profitable Cloud journey. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask any of us at moneta.